Buyers have changed - have you?
Introducing Influencer Sales Training for Hotels. Why hire an influencer when you can become one? We help hotel salespeople understand the new buyer’s approach and give them the strategies, tools and confidence they need to find and engage prospects earlier, help buyers make sense of the overwhelming amount of informtation available, and close more sales. And BRAND NEW – we now include ChatGPT instruction and ideas!
is it the end of the traditional sales role?
Buyers are doing more research online – on their own. They are not engaging salespeople as early or as often.
What can you do to engage prospects earlier?
What other changes are buyers facing?
How can you keep up?
digital has changed the way we buy and sell
Forrester Research suggests that automation and chat bots will change the landscape of sales opportunities.
-33% loss – Order takers (transactional, socialiser, visitor)
-25% loss – Explainers (tactical, hunter, warrior)
-15% loss – Navigators (relationship, gatherer)
where is the Best chance for growth?
Influencers – One who affects or changes the way that other people behave.
Individuals who have the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of their (real or perceived) authority, knowledge, or relationship.
Our influencer Sales training can help you evolve!
Influencer Sales Training Will Help You Evolve
Hotel salespeople used to be the first step a meeting planner or bride would contact. Not anymore. So much information is available online. Both buyers and the buying process has changed.
How have buyers changed? Most buyers do not want to connect with a salesperson until the decision is close to being made.
How has the buying process changed? More buyers are involved with every size purchase. But you are likely still only talking to one or two.
What else has changed? Your competitors. They have noticed the same changes in their buyers and many organizations are taking a new look at how their buyer enablement processes are working.
Finally – ChatGPT can help! We have added segments around ChatGPT so that you can find out how to take advantage of this amazing new tool. We teach you the hows – and how nots!
The New Buyer's Path to Purchase
Today’s buyers want to research on their own – they don’t want to talk to a salesperson. So what are your options? Hope they eventually knock on your door? We think you can take some steps to position you as a valuable resource and business adviser. They will want to talk to you.
When they finally reach out to you – are you ready? Are you the first to respond? Do you make a fabulous first impression? Are you fearless in your approach to win their interest? You’ve worked hard to get them here, now keep them engaged!
Buyers today are stressed. The salesperson who can make the most sense of a solution will win. Have you been clear in what you can offer? Have you built a compelling case? Do you display the confidence you need to assure your buyers? All of this is what we cover in our Influencer Sales Training program.
At last, relevant hotel sales training. What will you learn?
The New Sales Funnel
New Sales Strategies
Everything we teach in our sales training is based on our buyer's new path to purchase. Our goal is to turn salespeople into influencers by teaching them how to add real value at every step along the sales funnel to help buyers make better decisions.
New Sales Technology
We introduce eight different apps (most are free!) that will make the life of a sales person more engaging and efficient. We cover social apps, writing apps, media production apps - apps we have learned make sellers more compelling. And now we also include ChatGPT!
New Confidence
In all of our programs, you will practice your new skills and technology to make sure you can confidently build better digital relationships with your prospects. Find more prospects, engage more prospects, close more sales.
How will you learn? 3 different options.
Classroom Training
We offer our hotel sales training program in a two day, onsite, facilitator led setting. We recommend a class size between 10-20 participants. Each class is highly interactive, and new skills learned are put into practice during the session.
web series
We offer the same sales training program in a four part web series. 90 minutes each week, online. We keep the class size to less than 20. We offer this program every month as an open enrollment session, or you can bring our web sessions to your own group or company.
We offer this sales training now as a bootcamp! It is self driven via eLearning. You will engage with our interactive modules at your own pace and time, and then you can join group discussions and engage with a coach for 45 minutes each week in a hands on workshop.
Some thoughts on sales from our blog.
What’s next for hotel salespeople?
We continue to be in a weird time in the hotel business. Business will be coming back so we need to prepare, but as salespeople, what exactly does that mean? Not a lot of customers (except the national guard) are booking much for the next quarter or two. But there is some business out there right now, so should we be prospecting for that business? Tentatives are taking place for Q3, and Q4 is looking downright exciting. But, what is the best way to spend our time right now? That is the question I have been asked most frequently.
Hunters Not Encouraged
If you are looking for sales hunters, the 80’s is on the (rotary) phone and they want their sales term back. When I hear the
Happy 2nd Birthday – to Me!
Thanks to a Facebook memory pop up, I realized that today marks two years since the launch of my digital sales training program – Influencer Sales. Which was also the launch of my company – Scout Simply.
Do Whatever It Takes To Keep Yourself Motivated. Here Are My Top 9 Ideas.
For those of us in and around the hospitality business, July has been particularly cruel. June brought us increases in customer demand – and what a welcome sight that was. STR showed increased in RevPar month of month (we won’t talk about year over year), traveler sentiment surveys were FINALLY trending up and though it still seemed distant, we could all see some sort of light at the end of this tunnel.
Enter July, and we realized that light was just another oncoming train. Our curve was not flattening, cases were rising, and we watched our potential travelers retreat back into their cocoons. And let’s be honest, it made us sad.
To Sell or Not to Sell in the age of the Coronavirus Pause
Depending on who is writing the article (sales, operations or marketing), you hear all kinds of advice about whether or not you should be “selling” today.
Hotel owners are generally saying, “yes please sell, we would like some income to pay our employees and investors. And our cleaning supply bill. “
Marketers are saying “invest in technology to reach new customers because Google is much cheaper today than it was a month ago. It is much more efficient.”
Coffee Talk Video
Join Lance Fensterman, President of ReedPop and Matt Brown, Managing Partner for CYC Events talking with Holly Zoba about managing events in today’s challenging environment.